Fall 2016:  pre-planning

  • Form core team
  • Develop process plan and timeline

Winter 2017:  activate evidentiary process

  • Appoint evidence leads and orient them to the accreditation process
  • Conduct initial evidence benchmarking and landscape analysis

Summer 2017:  initial drafting

  • Form working group and begin drafting initial set of claims for criteria 3 and 4

Fall 2017:  continue drafting

  • Begin drafting initial set of claims for criteria 1, 2, and 5
  • Evidence leads begin collecting evidence items

Winter 2018:  evidence collection and drafting

  • Revise and review first draft of assurance argument
  • Evidence leads begin submitting evidence items

Summer 2018:  evidence collection and drafting

  • Develop evidence database
  • Review federal compliance filing requirements; identify key campus contacts

Fall 2018:  drafting and connecting evidence

  • Complete the majority of evidence collection from campus units
  • Continue refining central claims in assurance argument
  • Begin drafting federal compliance submission

Winter 2019:  public engagement and feedback

  • Share draft assurance argument with key stakeholders for review
  • Provide online opportunities for campus-wide review and feedback
  • Host town hall meetings for students, faculty, and staff

Summer 2019:  revising and planning

  • Implement feedback from public engagement and make final revisions to assurance argument
  • Update and finalize evidence in support of assurance argument
  • Review and revise federal compliance filing materials

Fall 2019:  final vetting and visit planning

  • Vet final assurance argument with University leadership and other key stakeholders
  • Collaborate with peer reviewers to craft visit agenda
  • Prepare to distribute HLC’s student opinion survey

Winter 2020:  campus visit

  • Distribute HLC’s student opinion survey
  • Submit assurance argument and federal compliance filing
  • Campus remote visit:  April 20-21